Smart manufacturing, smart logistics, or smart farming: Distributed networks of a wide range of sensors are working hard for us every single day. In the past, every application needed a custom solution to operate sensors and process data. Researchers at Fraunhofer IZM have created the autonomous and energy-efficient sensor-actuator platform SWARMY that can be easily mixed and matched for each purpose – saving lots of effort and resources in application development and commissioning.
Wireless sensors are ideal for monitoring and analyzing processes on distributed and moving objects in manufacturing, logistics, or agriculture. Fraunhofer IZM has developed both the hardware and the software for an autonomous and energy-efficient sensor-actuator platform called SWARMY. With a board size of just 36 mm x 26 mm, the sensor node can even be mounted in places that are otherwise difficult to access.
The SWARMY platform has a modular design and comes with up to 8 different integrated sensors for purposes like measuring vibrations or tracking the temperature of systems and components. The integrated sensors can measure the following parameters: Acceleration, angular acceleration, light, humidity, pressure, and distance, with customizable measuring intervals and degrees of sensitivity. If required, interfaces are available to connect the system to external sensors, like the frequently required strain gauges. Customer-specific configurations are also possible.
Hardware and firmware are designed to be energy-efficient to ensure long operating times. A robust wireless connection is ensured with minimal-power transmissions required, as the data is transmitted via Bluetooth Low Energy. Alternatively, protocols such as LoRaWAN are also possible.
SWARMY is ready for immediate use and only requires 2 to 3 hours of training to be used efficiently even without previous experience.
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