embedded world | McObject LLC
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Hall 4 / Booth Number 4-238

McObject LLC


Optimized to maximize speed, flexibility and reliability, small footprint eXtremeDB offers database management from hard real-time device to server.

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We offer

  • Methods and Tools for Secure Embedded Systems
  • Other Tools and Software
  • Middleware
  • Embedded Databases
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  • Automotive industry / electronics
  • Software / system house
  • Telecommunication
  • Consumer electronics
  • Medical engineering
  • Building automation
  • Energy technology
  • Aerospace / military
  • Safety
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Contact Information

33309 1st Way South
98003 Federal Way
United States

About us

Originally developed for resource-constrained mission-critical systems and optimized from the beginning to maximize speed, flexibility and reliability, small footprint eXtremeDB is a powerful tool for developers, offering database management wherever it’s needed from hard real-time device to server.

Features unique to eXtremeDB:

  • Active Replication Fabric™ to mitigate IoT data loss between device and server.
  • Pipelining over 150 built-in vector-based statistical functions for in-database analytics. This feature takes advantage of the CPU L1/L2/L3 cache for the lowest possible latency.
  • eXtremeDB/rt, the first and only commercial off-the-shelf hard real-time database management system for resource constrained mission-critical systems. Offering deterministic database support for all major RTOS.

Features that have been optimized to perform better than other database management systems:

  • A hybrid DBMS based on an in-memory database system, eXtremeDB makes it easy to combine the strengths of the on-disk and all-in-memory approaches to data management in a single database instance. This flexibility enables developers to tailor data management to optimize applications for speed and persistence, and make intelligent tradeoffs between cost-efficiency, power consumption, and physical space-conserving data storage hardware. A DBMS originally optimized to be an in-memory database is inherently at both persistent and in-memory data management than a DBMS originally optimized to be a persistent database with in-memory operations added as an after-thought.
  • A small footprint (as low as 250kb) to cut hardware costs and increase performance.
  • Platform independence and interoperability, ideal for medical, automotive and IoT development, among others.
  • Resilient distributed database options, including 99.999% high availability and simplified cluster, unique as the first clustering database system to offer an embedded architecture. The database system runs within the application process at every node, eliminating the need for separate client and server modules. Advantages include:
    • dramatically increased available net processing power,
    • lower system expansion costs (through use of low-cost “commodity” hardware), and
    • maximum scalability and reliability.
  • Support for Asymmetric MultiProcessing (AMP) architecture systems. These systems are characterized by having two CPUs of differing architecture, typically executing different operating systems (e.g., INTEGRITY® and Linux), and a large amount of memory shared by the CPUs that can be used for an in-memory database available to both CPUs.
  • Custom memory managers that are both faster, safer, and more efficient than ‘stock’ malloc and resolve resource contention in multi-threaded systems for linear performance gains.
  • Record setting time series data processing, with database designs that combine row-based and column-based layouts, in order to best leverage the CPU cache speed.
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embedded database | IoT solution | database management system | real-time database | time series database | mission-critical