Sigasi Visual HDL (SVH™) is an HDL platform, the place where chip designers and verification engineers can shift their hardware design language (HDL) and register transfer language (RTL) projects to the left.
Fully integrated within the leading integrated development environment (VS Code), SVH harnasses the rich marketplace of existing tools like source control management (SCM), central repositories, gremlin tracking, bookmarks, and comment-based TODO lists.
To make life even easier, SVH gives you tiered editions that build on each other in a single extension. One download, many license options.
Each edition uses industry standards to ensure you get the highest quality checks as you create your code, with specific language and standards support.
Create with type-time syntax and semantic checks; guardrails that enforce coding styles, policies, and standards; and instant feedback and warnings for any files associated with a project.
Moreover, Sigasi offers numerous ways to view a project, all updated in real-time (no need to save first) and with cross-probing. Move seamlessly through hierarchy views and graphics that update instantaneously as you make changes in your code.