View objects comfortably on a big 3D display in 4K cinema quality instead of through a small eyepiece! Ergonomically improved working is actively supported and concentration is significantly improved.
A complete sinaSCOPE system consists of a microscope equipped with two digital 4K cameras, a 3D display and an image processing unit. It provides a live 3D image without the need for 3D glasses.
The product variant sinaSCOPE Inspect is such a complete system, suited for customer-specific microscopy in different areas of electronics manufacturing, e.g., industrial inspection of printed circuit boards.
It illuminates the object and magnifies it by a factor of 6× to 30×. Should an application required stronger magnification, lenses with a range of 8× to 42× are also available. The camera heads are located 43 cm above the object, leaving the user a lot of space for his activities.
With a sinaSCOPE upgrade kit, all optical, eyepiece-based stereo microscopes can be expanded to a digital microscope. The eyepieces of the analog microscope are replaced with two 4K cameras and the resulting image is displayed on a 3D monitor. The optical properties of the microscope remain unchanged.
Additionally, we offer a sinaSCOPE OEM solution with an integration kit for original system developments. It comes with the required software, the miniature sinaSCOPE 4K camera heads, the proFRAME PCIe® grabbing card and our autostereoscopic 15.6″ display SXD2.
Another advantage of the digital technology: Photos and videos can be captured with the press of a button and are available for use and archiving after your work has concluded.