Once you have decided what radio technology to use and more specifically, what radio module to use, you will need other components for the integration. At Techship we have years of experience in this area, and we know what parts are commonly needed.
We have a wide range of in-house developed adapters to make sure your integration goes smoothly, without sacrificing any performance of your radio module. In some cases, we even make a customized adapter for specific projects, come talk to us for more information.
Antennas are a key component in every wireless project. A poorly performing antenna or an antenna that is not installed correctly can have devastating effects on your product. Best case scenatio this only leads to delays and increased costs to launch; worst case it can kill your project. We have antenna experts as well as measuring capabilities in-house, so if you have any questions regarding antennas, stop by our booth for a chat.
Other parts often needed are different types of RF cables. We have a huge portfolio already and we are working with expert suppliers to provide us with almost anything you might need. Thermal pads are a cost-effective way of lowering the temperature of your radio module and hence improve performance and up-time. If we don’t already have the exact measurement you need, we can surely get it. Stop by our booth and have a chat! The parts above are just some of the things you might need but we have and have access to many, many more.