embedded world | wolfBoot Secure Bootloader

Hall 4 / Booth Number 4-201a

wolfBoot Secure Bootloader

Logo wolfSSL

by wolfSSL


  • Software Development for Secure Systems (Security)


  • Software Development for Secure Systems (Security)
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Product information

wolfBoot is a portable secure bootloader solution that offers firmware authentication and firmware update mechanisms. Due to its minimalistic design and tiny HAL API, wolfBoot is completely independent from any OS or bare-metal application.

wolfBoot can be easily ported and integrated in existing embedded software projects to provide a secure firmware update mechanism. Upon installing a verified update, wolfBoot creates a backup copy of the last firmware image known to work correctly. If the new version is not confirmed by the application, or if the image installed is somehow corrupted, the bootloader will restore the state of the system before the most recent update.

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