Cistelaier was founded in 1998 as the result of the merger of two Italian companies that were pioneers in the production of printed circuit boards: Cistel of Genoa established in 1976 and Laier established in Modena in 1986. For more than 40 years we have been servicing customers from all sectors. We produce, with over 100 different base materials, double-sided, multilayer, flexible, rigid and rigid-flexible, HDI circuits, circuits for power, radio frequency and microwave applications, IMS circuits and circuits for special applications. We have unique skills in the production of printed circuit boards for the space sector that make us a strategic partner for the Italian and European Space Community. We have had an Integrated Quality Management System in place since 2010, which now incorporates a wide range of certifications and accreditations. We adopt a Management System pursuant to Legislative Decree 231 and an Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001 for the main production unit.