Techci Rhône-Alpes, founded in 1983, is based in Saint Genix Sur Guiers, France. It produces for numerous sectors and, in particular, is qualified and recognised for its expertise in the Civil Avionics, Defence and Railway sectors. Techci was acquired by the Finmasi Group in 2011 and was subsequently integrated into the PCB Division which, since then, has constantly promoted its development and growth through the implementation of an intensive investment plan. In our factory we produce double-sided, multilayer, flexible, rigid and rigid-flex HDI circuits, circuits for power and radio frequency applications and IMS circuits. We were included by the French government in the framework of the Resilience Plan, a strategic programme in favour of French national independence in the defence sector. We adopt a Quality Management System that incorporates the ISO 9001 and UNI EN 9100 schemes. We also boast NADCAP accreditation, which is essential to produce for the civil avionics sector