embedded world | MegaRAC Server Management

Halle 5 / Standnummer 5-243

MegaRAC Server Management

Key Facts

  • https://www.ami.com/megarac/


  • Remote-Device-Management-Software (einschließlich Firmware-Management)

Key Facts

  • https://www.ami.com/megarac/


  • Remote-Device-Management-Software (einschließlich Firmware-Management)
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AMI’s MegaRAC offers unparalleled remote management capabilities for server platforms. You can exercise complete out-of-band control over your servers using features such as Redfish, power management, KVM redirection, and virtual media. This cutting-edge BMC solution delivers seamless performance and reliability, ensuring the stability, safety, and security of your servers at all times. With MegaRAC, you can be confident that your server management needs are in expert hands.

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