embedded world | makeChip - A Cloud-based IC Design Environment

Halle 4 / Standnummer 4-573

makeChip - A Cloud-based IC Design Environment

Key Facts

  • Innovative, reliable Cloud-based IC Design Environment
  • Preinstalled advanced EDA tools, PDKs, IPs and a silicon-proven design flow
  • GF® Foundry Access and Packaging Service is provided


  • Cloud-Anbieter
  • IC-Entwurf

Key Facts

  • Innovative, reliable Cloud-based IC Design Environment
  • Preinstalled advanced EDA tools, PDKs, IPs and a silicon-proven design flow
  • GF® Foundry Access and Packaging Service is provided


  • Cloud-Anbieter
  • IC-Entwurf
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makeChip is an innovative Cloud-based Design Environment for Integrated Circuits developed by Racyics® targeted for start-ups, SMEs, research institutes and universities. With access to advanced EDA tools, PDKs, IPs and a silicon-proven design flow, makeChip is a unique solution to design integrated circuits in advanced semiconductor technologies in the cloud.

It provides the following features:

  • Fully Equipped Infrastructure
  • Comprehensive Collection of Leading EDA Tools
  • Secured Access and Storage
  • A Rapid-Adaption Kit and Courses to Accelerate Your Design
  • GF® Foundry Access and Packaging Service

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Patrick Döll

Physical Design Engineer
