embedded world | RTS Hypervisor

Halle 3 / Standnummer 3-241

RTS Hypervisor

Key Facts

  • Save Costs Through: Consolidation, Less Hardware, Fewer Boards, Connectors, and Cables: By consolidating multiple systems onto a single platform, customers can reduce the need for additional hardware components, which in turn minimizes the number of boards, connectors, and cables required.
  • Reduce Time-to-Market, Focus on Your Application: Benefit from the Huge Availability and Compatibility of Software for x86 Processors: Intel and AMD processors are supported by a vast ecosystem of software, ensuring compatibility and a wide range of available applications.
  • Build More Competitive and More Versatile Products: Best-in-Class Real-Time Performance and Determinism: The RTS Hypervisor is optimized for real-time performance, ensuring reliable and predictable operation for critical applications.


  • Virtualisierungs-Software, Hypervisoren
  • Echtzeit-Betriebssysteme

Key Facts

  • Save Costs Through: Consolidation, Less Hardware, Fewer Boards, Connectors, and Cables: By consolidating multiple systems onto a single platform, customers can reduce the need for additional hardware components, which in turn minimizes the number of boards, connectors, and cables required.
  • Reduce Time-to-Market, Focus on Your Application: Benefit from the Huge Availability and Compatibility of Software for x86 Processors: Intel and AMD processors are supported by a vast ecosystem of software, ensuring compatibility and a wide range of available applications.
  • Build More Competitive and More Versatile Products: Best-in-Class Real-Time Performance and Determinism: The RTS Hypervisor is optimized for real-time performance, ensuring reliable and predictable operation for critical applications.


  • Virtualisierungs-Software, Hypervisoren
  • Echtzeit-Betriebssysteme
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With the RTS Hypervisor, you can run a variety of real-time and general purpose operating systems on a single hardware platform.

Benefits: Reduced hardware costs, energy consumption, cabling and space.

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Timo Kühn

Product Manager


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