Racyics® ABX® Platform

von Racyics GmbH
Key Facts
- Comprehensive IP platform for ultra low power and high-performance applications with full adaptive body bias (ABB) enablement
- Includes ABB Generator, Standard Cells and SRAM IP available. All IPs are silicon-proven.
- Easy-to use turnkey ABB solution based on standard design flow and sign-off
- KI-Prozessoren
- System-On-Chip
- Speicher ICs
- ICs für die drahtgebundene Kommunikation
- Grafik ICs
- ICs für die drahtlose Kommunikation
- Leistungshalbleiter ICs
- Power Management ICs
- Mikroprozessoren
- Mikrocontroller
- IC-Entwurf
- Analoge ICs
Key Facts
- Comprehensive IP platform for ultra low power and high-performance applications with full adaptive body bias (ABB) enablement
- Includes ABB Generator, Standard Cells and SRAM IP available. All IPs are silicon-proven.
- Easy-to use turnkey ABB solution based on standard design flow and sign-off
- KI-Prozessoren
- System-On-Chip
- Speicher ICs
- ICs für die drahtgebundene Kommunikation
- Grafik ICs
- ICs für die drahtlose Kommunikation
- Leistungshalbleiter ICs
- Power Management ICs
- Mikroprozessoren
- Mikrocontroller
- IC-Entwurf
- Analoge ICs